This is the first comprehensive Shawnee Language Dictionary available with a total of 1112 pages. This is a English to Shawnee Dictionary with a Shawnee grammar section. Each of the 7700+ entries include the Shawnee pronunciation, literal translation (when known) and source from where the entry was found.
Shawnee Dictionary Table of Contents
Introduction 1
Using this Dictionary5
Pronunciation 5
Literal Translation 6
Sources 7
Shawnee Language 10
Animate and Inanimate 10
Obviative 10
Pronouns 11
Personal Pronouns 12
Other Pronouns 12
Possessives 13
Animate Possessive Nouns 13
Possessive Inanimate Nouns 14
Spelling Changes 16
Word Structure 17
Other Parts of Speech 17
Shawnee Verbs 18
Reflective Action 25
Imperative 26
Passive Participles 27
Inverse Participles 28
Passive Indicator 29
English Shawnee Dictionary 30
Vol. 1: A-K
English Shawnee Dictionary533
Vol. 2: L-Z
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